Monday, January 4, 2010

It's all about being British

On New Years Eve we celebrated with the Brazilians so that everyone could go to bed early. We tooted horns, shook maracas, lighted fireworks and shouted Happy New Year. We then had treats and sparkling cider where I thought it would be fun to go around the circle and have everyone complete the thought, "Here's to a (blank) New Year!" E wanted a wonderful and healthy New Year. M wanted a Princess New Year and on T's turn she shouted out British! I'm not sure what that means yet. Maybe as the new year progresses we can figure it out so here's to a British New Year! May you have a wonderful time full of princesses!

1 comment:

Harlin Family said...

I agree. Here's to a British New Year! I've always been fascinated with their accents and can't get enough of those BBC movies. Really, I love them. I could watch one after another and I would be in heaven. Cute story and I like the fill in the blank New Years idea. I am sure it would get lots of laugh. :)