Thursday, August 25, 2011

First day of school

School has been under way since the end of July and the kids are anxious to have their first off track time in a week. In this first 6 weeks of school, E has memorized all 50 states, their capitals and postal abbreviations. T has finished one book report and is working diligently on her math facts. M is learning about the sounds that letters make and loves telling me all the new things she's learning or getting to do. H has started his school, too.

E (5th grade) and T (3rd grade) with M going to her kindergarten orientation meeting and H just wanting to be part of the group.

M on her first official day of school.

H on his first day of school. He was ready to ride the bus again although it is a new bus and driver. He's decided to sit on the other side of the bus this year.

You can barely see H's head through the window.

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